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Showing: 41 - 50 of 80 RESULTS
How-to Lifestyle

How Lab Made Diamonds Have Affected Other Industries

Lab-grown diamonds are diamonds produced in a laboratory. Also known as synthetic diamonds, they’re made from the same materials mined diamonds are made from. The critical difference between synthetic diamonds and regular diamonds is that regular diamonds must be mined from the earth. The diamond industry has been affected by criticism over unethical practices. In …

How-to Lifestyle

Financial Planning Tips for New Moms

Becoming a new mom is one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life. Becoming a parent is also one of the most life-changing events you’re likely ever to experience. From learning to pump while holding a baby to doing chores while breastfeeding, which can be made a little easier for every mom with …

How-to Lifestyle

Why Automotive Brands Need Call Centers

Customer service is imperative for any company, no matter how long they’ve been around or what line of business they are in. For automotive brands, assuring quick response to customers, and timely handling of issues is hugely important in such a competitive field. Contact center services have offered the needed phone support and customer service …